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International Exhibition
of Sculptures and
Curated by Paolo de Grandis and Carlotta Scarpa
Hilton Molino Stucky
02 September 2017 - 02 October 2017
Born in Verona, Miresi lives and works in Berlin. A student of Nurdio Trentini, she studied art in Verona and graduated in Literature in Geneva. Her artistic activity took the shape of methodological continuity at the beginning of the ‘80s. In 1983 she was invited to the Arcaici di fine secolo exhibition, in which the curator, Giorgio Cortenova, delineated a synthetic panorama of new Abstract art, the alternative, in those years, to triumphant Figurative art. Miresi distinguished herself as protagonist of those new studies that rejected the theorems of post-Modern theories. In 1986 she was present at the exhibitions La secessione astratta degli anni Ottanta (Umbertide) and Energia e lirismo (Galleria del Milione, Milan), which unites Dorazio, Turcato, Verna, Pinelli, Miresi and Celeste under a profile of ideal continuity. In 1988 she participated in Astratta - Secessioni astratte in Italia dal dopoguerra al 1990 (Palazzo Forti, Verona; Palazzo della Permanente, Milan; Kunsthalle, Darmstadt), curated by G. Cortenova. In 1990 she took part in the exhibition entitled Colore-struttura, una linea italiana, 1945-1990, held in Prato and curated by L. Caramel and E. Mascelloni. From the second half of the ’90s Miresi’s painting encounters iconic themes within which her artistic language expands in a heated dialectic between space and surface - a problem that, begun with experiences in Abstract art, today finds within itself the revelation of the image of identifiable everyday shapes and forms. Since 2010 Miresi has developed her passion for fotography.
She is now photographing still in the poetic of a painter. Her major objective is to show new and different perspectives on architectonic objects, for example in Venice and the old Funkhaus Radio DDR (GDR) in East Berlin.
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